Rules - JealousRP
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Server Rules

To maintain a fun, fair, and immersive experience on JealousRP, all players must follow these rules. Failure to comply can result in a warning, kick, or ban.

General Rules

Respect All Players

Harassment, racism, sexism, and toxicity will not be tolerated.

No Spamming

Do not spam chat, voice chat, or in-game actions.

Follow Admin Instructions

Admins ensure smooth gameplay. Always respect and follow their guidance.

No Cheating or Exploiting

Using cheats or exploiting game mechanics will result in a ban.

No Advertising

No advertising of external servers or products without permission.

Keep OOC Chat Limited

Out-of-character chat should be kept to designated areas only.

Roleplay Rules

No RDM (Random Deathmatch)

Killing without an RP reason is prohibited.

Follow FearRP

Act realistically when in dangerous situations.

No Metagaming

Using out-of-character information for in-character decisions is forbidden.

No Powergaming

Avoid forcing actions on other players; allow fair roleplay.

No Breaking Character

Maintain character consistency at all times.

Police Rules

Abuse of Power

Police officers must not abuse their authority for personal gain or to harass players.

Fair Arrests

Arrests must be justified and follow the proper RP protocol. No random arrests.

No Corruption

Police officers may not engage in criminal activities unless explicitly allowed by server rules.

Follow Chain of Command

Officers must follow orders from higher-ranking police members and roleplay accordingly.

No Unlawful Detainment

Detain suspects only if there is proper RP justification.

Proper Use of Force

Force must be applied proportionally and according to roleplay guidelines.

Criminal Rules

No FailRP Criminal Actions

Criminal roleplay must be realistic and follow established protocols.

No Excessive Violence

Overly violent actions without RP justification will not be tolerated.

No Exploiting Loopholes

Do not exploit game mechanics or RP situations for unfair advantages.

Maintain Consistency

Criminal activities must be planned and executed within the roleplay narrative.

Building Rules

No Prop Blocking

Do not block areas with props unfairly.

No Floating Bases

Bases must be structurally realistic and adhere to server guidelines.

Realistic Structures

All builds should be feasible and blend with the environment.

Respect Other Builds

Do not damage or interfere with other players' constructions without permission.

No Unauthorized Modifications

Modifying shared structures without consent is prohibited.

Economy & Trading Rules

Fair Trading Only

All trades must be fair and mutually agreed upon.

No Price Gouging

Prices must remain reasonable and within the roleplay context.

No Scamming

Fraudulent activities in trades will result in severe penalties.

Roleplay All Transactions

All trades should be integrated into the roleplay narrative.

Vehicle & Driving Rules

Follow Traffic Laws

Drive safely and adhere to traffic rules as per the roleplay setting.

No Reckless Driving

Excessive speeding and dangerous maneuvers are prohibited.

Roleplay Vehicle Damage

Accidents must be roleplayed with appropriate consequences.

No Hit and Run

Leaving the scene of an accident without RP consequences is forbidden.

Chat & Communication Rules

Use Appropriate Language

Profanity and offensive language should be kept to a minimum.

No Excessive CAPS

Avoid excessive use of capital letters in chat.

Separate In-Character and OOC Chat

Keep in-character and out-of-character communication distinct.

Emergency Services Rules

Follow Emergency Protocols

Emergency responders must adhere to established roleplay protocols.

No Abusing Emergency Services

Misusing emergency services for non-RP purposes is prohibited.

Proper Dispatch Usage

All emergency calls must be roleplayed and justified.

Chain of Command in Emergencies

Follow orders from senior emergency personnel during incidents.

Miscellaneous Rules

No Cheating or Exploiting

Any form of cheating or exploiting game mechanics is strictly forbidden.

No Advertising or Self-Promotion

Advertising other servers or self-